
Our top tips for your interview

Tess,   15th August 2019

Our top tips for your interview

Well done! The hard work you’ve done on your CV has paid off! You’ve been selected to attend that all important interview. We understand just how daunting it can be and how nerve-racking you can feel when you know you have made it to this stage. Interviewing is hard but our top-tip is to be yourself and enjoy the process!

Below you’ll find some of our other top tips for interviewing:

Research, research, research …

The best thing you can do is to show a company how interested you are in them and what they do. There is nothing worse than someone who appears dis-interested and clearly hasn’t even bothered to do some research. An Interviewer will be impressed if you can tell them something you find fascinating about their business, maybe it’s the 20 years they’ve been in operation, or the amount of offices they now operate in. You can find a fantastic amount of information about a company on their website but if you are having trouble, give us a call and we can talk you through what we know about the company.

Prepare, prepare, prepare …

But don’t go overboard and become robotic. You need to prepare for your interview, this includes researching as above. It’s good to look at a few common interview questions that you might be asked and think about your strengths, weaknesses, when you worked as part of a team, on your own and when you faced a challenge. By preparing for your interview it’ll show the interviewer just how serious you are about the opportunity.

Think positive …

This one can be difficult, especially if you’re pessimistic but just try and think – what’s the worst that can happen? You don’t get the job, ok but you didn’t have the job to begin with, so you have NOTHING to lose. Plus, you should think more highly of yourself, they’d be lucky to have you and your skillset!

Interview them …

In today’s climate it’s just as likely the candidate is interviewing the Employer, as employment is at a record high, it’s often the way that candidates have the choice, rather than the Employer. Don’t be afraid to suss out what the business is all about, consider whether you’d get on working with the Interviewer, have a look at the office space etc. This leads us on to our final top tip

Ask questions …

We have said this in a number of blogs, and we’ll say it again because it is THAT important! Not only should you ask questions to find out more about the business, but it makes the Interviewer feel like you are eager, you’re interested, and you want to work there.

These are just a selection of our top tips, if you want to find out more or want help preparing for your interview, then get in touch with your relevant consultant or email tess@gbsolutions.co.uk