CandidatesInterview Tips

Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview…

Tess,   4th April 2022

<strong>Questions to Ask at the End of an Interview…</strong>

The interview has gone well. You’ve taken the time to think of your answers and you’re excited about the opportunity. At the end of your interview, you are asked if you have any questions for the hiring manager. To have a chance of securing the job, always say yes.

Asking questions shows the hiring manager you’re not only prepared, but you’re also interested in the role. Providing you with the opportunity to find out more about the business, the interviewer, the role, and more.

We advise writing down at least 5 questions you wish to ask. It is unlikely you’ll ask all 5, as some questions will be answered during the interview. But this will leave you with 2 to 3 good questions to ask.

Questions to avoid asking at the end of your interview…

Avoid questions that focus on salary, holiday, etc. You can save these questions for when you get the job offer. Also, stay away from questions that only require a yes/no answer. You ideally want to engage in conversation at the end of the interview. Unless you’re asking the hiring manager to clarify or expand on a point, never ask a question that has already been answered.

Questions to ask at the end of your interview:

How would you describe the culture and values of the company?

Asking this question is a great way of assessing whether your values align with the business. It’s also an excellent opportunity for you to see if you will fit in with the organisation. And whether its priorities, benefits, and work-life balance are suited to your needs.

What are the opportunities for development within the business?

Enquiring about opportunities for development within the business shows you are serious about your career and committed to a future with the organisation.

What are your expectations of me within the first 6 months?

This is a good question to ask at the end of your interview as it shows the hiring manager you want to make a positive contribution to the business.

What is the vision of the company over the next 5 years?

Asking about the future shows a real interest in the business, reiterating your commitment to the company.

What are the next steps in the interview process?

An oldie, but goodie. If the hiring manager hasn’t informed you of the next steps, a great way to wrap up the interview is to ask them about the next steps. This will also help manage your own expectations.

Interview questions, conclusion…

Ultimately, ask questions you want the answers to. We had one candidate who asked our client what they were doing to ensure they were diverse. This was a question our client very much welcomed. It’s about asking the questions that are important to you.

For more hints, tips, and tricks, check out our career advice page.