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Reboarding Employees

Tess,   16th March 2021

Reboarding Employees

Reboarding employees is when you re-introduce staff back to an organisation. This is the opposite to onboarding, where you introduce new workers to the business.

In this article, we look at ways you can lay out your own road map, to successfully reboard employees. Around 49% of office workers would look elsewhere for employment if their return to work was handled poorly. This gives you a huge opportunity to ensure you are planning for your business’s future success. And being a manager that your employees look up to and respect.

Set Some Objectives

Setting some objectives is the first thing you should do. This isn’t a tick box exercise. It is an opportunity for you to show empathy to your employees, and lead by example.

By failing to plan your objectives, you’re planning to fail. In order for your business to move forward, you need to have a clear plan in place. Ensuring the well-being of your staff is one of your main objectives, and will set you up for a promising start.

Examples of empathetic objectives:

  • Learn/Use active listening skills and body language to show understanding of what the other person is saying
  • Open up about your own insecurities/vulnerabilities to show you are human and have emotions too
  • Find ways to create connections with colleagues and show a willingness to participate in their activities

Create a Communication Plan

Good communication is the key to any successful business, employee productivity increases by 20 to 25% in organisations where employees are connected.

You need to be clear in your communication, so that your employees understand, and are onboard with your plan. Will there be new rules in place? If working from home you may call for 2-3 meetings per week. So your staff don’t feel micro-managed, it is crucial you explain why.

Job security can be a worrying time for anyone in a business. By being open, honest, and clear, it will help ease some of that worry, and increase productivity.

Provide Support to Managers

In order to help your managers, you may need to provide them with some extra support, or training. But don’t blindside them with training, as they may feel you are undermining them. Instead, explain there is an opportunity for increased learning, and that you will be attending some sessions too.

Reboarding Employees – Summary

Be open, honest, and clear in your communication and expectations, and be prepared to offer extra support where needed. With a clear plan and guide, you should be able to reboard your employees with less issues. There will always be bumps in the road and things you could’ve done better. But if you start planning now, and set some objectives, you should be on your way to a more streamlined reboarding process.